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Group: Moderator
Joined: 2021-11-29
Title: Member Moderator

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Understanding Scientific Articles As A Genre
A scientific article is a genre of a scientific style that appeared and took root in literature relatively recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. Today this genre is very widespread, because it makes it possible to "leave their mark in science" for both experienced scientists and students. In fact, write my paper gets plenty of orders for articles. A scientific article as a genre has a number of features that distinguish it from other genres. In order to write a quality text, you need to be aware of these features.
Differences between the article and other scientific genres
How is a scientific article different from other types of scientific work? The scientific style has many genres - monographs, reports, notes, lectures, scientific aids, theses, etc. If the differences between a scientific article and textbooks or monographs are clearly expressed, then the differences from reports and abstracts require coverage.
Scientific article and report:

the scientific article is designed for independent reading by the recipients, the report - for listening;
the report is most often a story about the work done and its results, while the author almost does not cover the theoretical basis, it plays a large role in the article;
the length of the report should be within 5-10 minutes of oral narration, the article is not regulated by time, the main thing is to maintain the volume established by the editorial board. If editing and trimming text becomes a problem, then has all the services to help you out.

The difference between an article and a thesis lies in the composition: in the article, all structural parts have a smooth logical transition, and theses are a set of thoughts that reveal the problem, their presentation looks like a collage (however, the logic should not be violated). In addition, abstracts are even smaller in size - up to 1.5 pages.
What should the author pay attention to when starting to write an article?
Based on the genre features of the article, you can make a list of tips that are relevant to a young author:

Choose one problem (narrow), the selection criterion is relevance and novelty.
At the beginning of the article, it is advisable to place a list of authors who have already worked on this topic (the corresponding sources will be in the bibliography after the main text).
Before writing this article, check out the most common clichés to help you tie the elements of your composition together.
Precisely define the type of article, because the content and lexical content will depend on it.
The annotation is written after the text is completely ready, and is placed in front of it.
The article should not contain "gag" that cannot be scientifically proven.

Seeing as we covered pretty much everything, the last useful thing you want to remember is to use in scenarios where you are not able to finish the work in time yourself. A scientific article as a genre puts the author in a certain rather rigid framework, but if you put worthwhile information in them, you can show your scientific talents in full.
More resources:
Lab Design And Rules You Need To Know To Write It
Writing Rules For Laboratory Work Reports
Rules Of Designing Your Lab Work
Scientific Article Writing Problems
Modern Types Of Scientific Articles

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